Color Theory in Flesh Tone

This is a new and updated version of Terri Tomlinson's world renown class on color theory in skin!

Discover Color Theory and How to Use it as a Makeup Artist.
What is Color Theory in Flesh Tone? 
A review of the basics of color theory and what color principles are most useful in working with skin and makeup. From there we learn how to see color in skin and how to work color theory in skin and browns using The Flesh Tone Color Wheel®.
The goal is to give artists a better understanding of how to use color theory in browns and flesh tones and how to see skin color. Class is 45 minutes.
*Our Color Theory in Flesh Tone Bundle has unlimited viewing, workbook and bonus content. Please visit the courses page for details on this. 

6 Lessons

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Introduction & Class Needs

About the class.

Color Theory Basics

Getting to know the color wheel.

The Principles of Color Theory

Understanding how color works together.

Finding Skin Tone and Neutral

Understand where skin tone exists in color theory.

The Flesh Tone Color Wheel™

Using color theory in neutral and working the wheel.

Certificate of Completion

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